Wednesday, March 30, 2011

all good things must come to an end

(sweater- Nordstrom, shirt-Nordstrom, Skirt-Nordstrom, Shoes-Steve Madden, Jacket-Anthro)

 Well I can't believe it, day 30 has finally arrived!! Now, time to go shopping with my new eyes!!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

day 29

(shirt-Forever 21, drape sweater-Nordstrom, leggings- Forever 21, Belt-Vintage, Boots- clothes exchange)

As the days dwindle down, so does my creativity....until this morning. I looked at the flowery shirt and thought there's gotta be a better way to wear this without using the fall back cardigan. I opened my armoire to get my leggings, and this sweater plopped out, not by chance, but because I was lazy and crammed it in there after wearing it last week. I love the color of it and thought I'd give it a shot with the flowers. Alas, everything just fell into place. Was a nice way to almost end this clothes challenge. So glad to be almost done. 

Monday, March 28, 2011

they're grey

(cardigan-forever 21, tank-h&m, skirt-forever 21, shoes-target) 

Don't you just loooove when you're wearing something that's a little different than the norm and you notice that almost everyone you come across is glancing at that thing over and over and over again...
these tights have been the winner of many of those glances. Sadly my camera doesn't get the full oomph of them here in my dimly lit house. I ran out of daylight due to that fact that my allegiance is to the Blazers, they had a game right smack dab in the time I try to get my photo sesh on! Anyways, I've come to the conclusion that the main reason people can't stop looking at them is because they're try to figure out if the tights are grey or black....
The moral of the story matter what it is, I think people will keep glancing not because they don't like the garment, but because they're trying to figure out, where can I get me some of that (insert said garment here)?

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Pumped Up Kicks

(cardigan-Forever 21, shirt- h&m, belt-Nordstroms, pants-old navy, shoes-target)

Lucky me, it started down pouring just minutes after I walked in from taking these photos! This has been the wettest March, Portland has seen in years! 

I gotta say, these pumped up kicks, although quite tall, are not too uncomfortable! I was teaching in class this morning at church with 3-5 year olds. Someone had the bright idea to play Duck-Duck-Goose, unfortunately I wasn't able to outrun a five year old, due to these pumped up kicks. Or at least that what I keep telling myself!  

If you haven't heard of these guys yet, you must, now!!!! I got to see them this weekend while they were in Portland. Such a fun show dancing in our pumped up kicks! 

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Spring Flowers

I just love the colors in these leggings!

view from the top 
(cardigan-Forever 21, shirt-Forever 21, skirt-Nordy's, leggings-Aritzia, Boots-Nordy's)

I'm about a week behind on taking pictures and posting for this crazy 30 for 30. I must say I'm ready for this to be over. Everyday, I look longingly at all the other clothes in my closet and resist the urge to cheat! I can't wait to take a shopping and purging trip in my closet to get rid of and re-discover the clothes in the seemingly never ending pit. 

Monday, March 14, 2011

There's A First For Everything

The older I get the more I realize there truly is a first for everything. Today marks the first time in 4 years that my boss verbally complimented me. I've learned not to expect it from him, not because of anything wrong with him or me, but because he's just the quiet type. But he did it, he said, 'you look really nice today'! 

After getting past the shock and warm feeling it brought me to be complimented (oh c'mon you know you like to be complimented too), I began to think of all my firsts, like the first tooth/teeth I lost while running through my dads shop and tripping to find my two front teeth stuck to my fruit roll up. Or my first pair of high heels, they were gold and beautiful. Unfortunately they didn't really fit me, they were far too big, but I didn't care, I wore them like a lovely lady! Or my first time driving, I thought I was going to be stuck using public transportation or riding my bike before I could learn to drive a manuel transmission alas, I learned and now, that's all I drive. Or my first time in Disneyland, thought that day would never come, since I was twelve when my parents finally decided to take us, I think they wanted to avoid putting me on one of those child leashes, probably still should've since I had the tendency to wander and get lost in the crowd. This is the first time I've worn this outfit, trying to re-create all 30 items for 30 days makes everyday a first, right?! 
(Jacket-Anthro, Shirt-Nordstrom, Leggings-Forever 21, Shoes-Forever 21)

Saturday, March 12, 2011

peg leg

Perfect Peg Leg (totally unplanned)
again...perfect! (Cardigan-UO, Shirt-Forever 21, Jeans-UO, Shoes-Jeffery Campbell)

I woke up this morning with this strange feeling in my leg, looked down and realized, I grew a peg overnight!!! Okay, not really, but how weird would that be?!

Well, spring is definitely in the air. This outfit is my ode to spring and the fun, bright colors that go with it! Speaking of spring colors, Target's new GO International Design Collection comes out tomorrow, and I won't be able to buy one thing! Darn this 30 day business! Who told me to do this anyways, oh ya....I did! Oh well, guess I'll just go and browse tomorrow! 

Thursday, March 10, 2011

the simple things in life

(cardigan-Old Navy, shirt-forever 21, skirt-forever 21, tights-target, shoes-target)
So first off...I'm still a day behind, still learning how people have time to take photos every day of their outfits! Oh well, ya live, ya learn!
 I bought this skirt for one reason....the pockets! The simple things in life, like these pockets make me happy!  Why do pockets make me so happy? Perhaps it's the ability to put money in my pocket and walk across the street and get coffee on a break without having to lug my purse with me, or that I can put an emergency piece of gum in my pocket, you never know when your breathe will be not so fresh! Pockets are perfect for so many reason! I <3 them! 

fat tuesday calls for spandex

I am quickly losing track of how many day's I've been doing this, partly because I keep forgetting to take pictures and write, but mainly because I don't want to know how many days I have left with these 30 items. Don't get me wrong, less is more is a very good motto to live by, but this is one hard thing for a clothesaholic to do! I figured this would be my 'semi lent' Can't wait for March 29th!! Here's day 9...
(Shirt-Nordy's, leggings-Forever21, Shoes-Forever21)

Sunday, March 6, 2011

When in a rush, wear a hat....

I often find myself in this handmade hat over the weekends. I bought it from the local Saturday Market. Made with love from a reused sweater, t-shirt, and buttons. I think it adds a little pizazz to my weekend :)

(sweater-Nordstroms, tank-H&M, jeans-urban outfitters, shoes-Jeffery Campbell, hat-flood)

Saturday, March 5, 2011

dj mix-it-up

Day 3
(Jacket-Anthro, Dress-Forever21, Shirt-Nordstrom, Boots-clothes exchange)

Day 4
(Shirt-Nordstrom, Skirt-Nordstrom, Boots-clothes exchange)

thanks Carm for taking 'smoke breaks' with me to take these pics! 

I can't believe it's been almost a week, already getting sick of these clothes! Afraid I might have a fear of commitment to clothes! Admitting there is a problem is the first step to recovery, right?!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

so unpredictable

beautiful from afar....
 (Cardigan Nordstrom, Shirt Forever 21, Belt Vintage,  Skirt Nordstrom, shoes Jeffrey Campbell)

In good  'ole Northwest fashion, the weather continues to be unpredictable. Rain resembling slurpee fell from the sky yesterday while the morning brought remnants of a light snow fall while we slept. Not knowing how slick it would be, I opted for some flats. Women who brave the elements in heels amaze me.