Tired of the countless days standing in front of my closet thinking
'I have nothing, nada, zilch, to WEAR!!' and absolutely no room to store all this
zilch I speak of....I realized it's time to make a change. Then I discovered the brilliant simplicity of Kendi
http://kendieveryday.blogspot.com/ where she started the 30 for 30 challenge. Today I start day one....I was planning to start on March 1st, but I decided to start on a Monday instead. Monday, February 28th. My nephew turns 6 today and I turn into the Consolidator! Sounds so epic, and it is, for me at least! :) Anyways, here it goes...
(Dress H&M, lace tank Forever 21, Cardigan Old Navy, Shoes Forever 21) |
What a glorious feelin, I'm happy again! |
Special shout out to Carmen for standing in the rain to take these pics!
Day 1 down....29 to go.....